Meraki Specialists

We believe that each child has their own unique learning profile and we aim to support the whole child in their strengths as well as their weaknesses. Whether your child needs extra support in areas of their learning or is gifted in certain subjects we create personalized instruction and can enhance both. Along with our specialists we create an individualized learning plan and implement a curriculum that is tailored to your Childs specific needs. Speech, Occupational or Educational therapy can all be added within your child’s day as part of their learning program.

We feel that these early intervention services should be a part of your child’s curriculum so they can be integrated into all areas of their learning to provide comprehensive support. By offering these services here at the center in conjunction with their academic classes teachers are able to meet with specialists regularly and create tools that support them in their learning processes. We are here to help determine if your child may need any additional intervention services. While we have in center providers for these services we are also happy to accommodate your specialists at the learning center as well.

  • Meghan Kawecki

    Speech Therapist: Meghan Kawecki is an American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) certified speech-language pathologist and has provided pediatric therapy since 2012. She is passionate about working with children, families, and educators to achieve the best outcomes for every child.

    Meghan is originally from Nashville, TN. She has enjoyed living all over the country including Dallas, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Meghan is a mother of two young children. Her family enjoys time outdoors, traveling, and spending time with family and friends.